Friday, January 23, 2009

A Blue Guitar

Dan and I were going to my weekly guitar lesson, we were early and went into the guitar shop beneath the studio. I kinda glanced around quickly without looking twice at anything. As I turned to walk away Dan said "look over here" I turned and saw it. This beautiful blue acoustic guitar with pretty floral trim around the sound hole, it has dark grains in the wood, it is amazing. I walked away from it and went to my lesson. Dan mentioned to my teacher that I had seen the perfect guitar downstairs, he jumped up and left the room. A few moments later he enters with that guitar. I grabbed it and began to play. I've been playing on this old worn out guitar that is to big for my little arms, and the sounds that came from that guitar weren't very pleasant. Playing on this blue guitar I fell in love with playing again. It sounded amazing like I had been playing for years (which I have been but you never could tell). Dan went downstairs and put a down payment on it for me as it will be my valentine's day gift (early). I love that man, he's so considerate, so supportive, I just can't get over it.
Did I tell you that he is taking me skiing for my birthday? Well he is. He planned the whole trip on his own, I don't know any details except that we're going to Tremblant, a ski resort in Quebec. I feel so blessed to have a man that treats me like a princess. I've never felt quite like this about someone and he about me, it's fantastic.


Carmel Lavigne said...

aww thats so cool his so sweet hah

love you tons

Anonymous said...

Awwww! awesome! Take a picture with it yeah?

John and Mireille said...

I'm so happy for you! I didn't know you took guitar lessons!
That is so cool, you were already pretty good with the guitar.
Mont Tremblant is a nice place I've been there before, beautiful,
I hope you have fun and good weather, Have a great time honey,
you too Dan, thanks for taking care of my girl. I love you both so much

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to my original partner in crime! xoxoxo