Monday, December 7, 2009

Amazing news

We just found out that Dan and I are going to be permanent parents. Our little Kassy is coming to move in with us in January. It is a miracle and we are so excited to have her full time. We are nervous of course because well, I don't have children of my own so having an 11 year old enter our home is going to be a change but a good one. There is lots to be done and we've requested the assistance of our parent friends as to what we need to do to get her registered in school and whatnot. Man, this will change everything for us but most of all the change will be I think a positive one for Kassy. She has so much potential and I can't wait to nurture her talents. Any parenting tips you all can offer I am all ears. Luckily I have lots of experience with being the oldest in a long line of kids so we should be fine.


John and Mireille said...

Oh sweet Christina,
What wonderful news, I really wouldn't worry, you already are a wonderful mom.
It's in you! NOw don't you go worrying if you make mistakes, believe me you will, and that is part of being a parent, but your desire are sincere and that is what will bring you through this wonderful experience with so much joy. I love you! I'm just a phone call away!


Christina said...

Thanks mom, that helps! Love you!