Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A bit about...

I've been posting lots of photos but haven't really said much lately. We are doing quite well, staying busy with friends and work. The weather has been depressing to say the least, hopefully it'll warm up soon and actually feel like spring. With all the rain we've been having has made it difficult to make any plans. Typically we go camping May 24 weekend but it looks like we are staying in unfortunately. I am really looking forward to Marieanne's birthday in Toronto, it's a chance to get outta dodge for a bit and take in some new scenery. Well other than talk about the puppies I haven't much to say other than I love you all and hope that by my blog we can stay in touch although we are all so far away from each other. Oh and by the way if you want some entertainment we now have a youtube account and we are "thebeandogs" (Boston is know as Bean town hence the name) only videos of our Boston terrier clan. Quite amusing. Check it out.


John and Mireille said...

It was so much fun watching Oli and Jaz.

MarieAnne said...

Ooooh my gosh, I just love the puppies. Me and Devin watch the videos over and over agian, so fun and can't wait to meet them. And I can't wait til you come down too. It'll be loads of fun! :) Love ya