Thursday, January 28, 2010

Our new addition

We have rescued a puppy her name is Jazmine, we call her Jaz. Dan went to Belleville to pick her up with Oli and his mom. After getting her they went down by the river Moira to let them out for a min. At this time we only had one leash and since Oli is good and never runs Dan put the new puppy on the leash and let Oli loose. Oli saw some geese and went running after then not listening to Dan or Jo-anne yelling at him to stop. He began stopping just short of the water's edge but the ice was slippery and Oli slid right into the river. He began swimming hard but the current is strong and the water frigid this time of year so Oli was loosing the battle and was pulled under. Dan then jumped in to save our poor pup. He also had a hard time in the water as he said it feels like sharp needles piercing him. They got out of the water thank God and dried off and home safe. So now we have two puppy's Jaz and Oli, and they are in love already and she is precious. Being a rescue pup she lived with lots of other animals because she was abandoned by her previous owners and rescued from the pound, so she is quirky and kind of strange, but she is learning and is happy in our home. Here are some pictures of our new family.


MarieAnne said...

That is an amazing story.. so glad Dan and Oli are ok! I had sooo much fun visiting you guys and love your new addition, Oli and Jaz are very cute togther! Hope to come up more often! Love you

John and Mireille said...

Oh my! What a story! Incredible!
what courage to go in icy water.
Wow! You are a hero Dan! way to go!

Cute dogs!
I love you!

John and Mireille said...

Is Jaz a Boston terrier also?

Christina said...

Yes she is...