Thursday, May 6, 2010

Its been awhile...

Its been awhile since I blogged last, sorry! Things have been good, Dan and I went through a weird confusing growing up phase. He seemed confused for awhile about what he wanted and left town for a bit to figure himself out and then all of a sudden he was absolutely sure he wanted me! I'm happy especially now that he's happy and sure about us. I have a feeling he went from boy to man overnight or something. I think he was unsure if he wanted to be a grown up and had to spend time alone without me to miss me and it worked!

Our puppies are getting big and still adorable. We bought them life jackets so we can take them out swimming with us. Its to cold for me to get in the water this early in the year but Dan put on hip wadders and went out with the dogs and Oli swam way better with the jacket on. Dogs can swim well but our little pups get tired quick so this helps them float better. It was great. Jaz knows all of Oli's tricks now, she stands on her back legs and puts her paws way up in the air for treats and spins around. I wish I knew how to upload my iphone videos so you all could see. Anyways, talk to you later.


Michelle Lavigne said...

Wow, I'm glad you guys were able to work that out. :) Love you!

Christina said...

Hi Michelle, whats your blogger address? I cannot access.

Michelle Lavigne said...

Oh, sorry I wasn't signed in.


You should get on facebook too.:)