Wednesday, January 23, 2013


There are some people that are so miserable that they feed off your sorrow. They take advantage of you when your face is down in the dirt. Those people will never be happy. They suck the life out of everyone. They make life unbearable.

You know what I say to those people? FUCK YOU! At the top of my lungs because I am done being a punching bag. I know I'm an easy target being sensitive and fragile. I may be those things but I have strength in me that comes in my darkest hours. And there have been many.

I will not let these people ruin my progress. I am making something of myself and all on my own. I don't have anyone holding my hand. I have my immediate family beside me that have encouraged me to keep trying. But I also have family that just want to see me fail.

I won't let them win. I will ignore all harsh comments and ignore they're anger towards me because they are irrelevant. They are nothing in the scheme of things. I am strong and I will take this situation and rise so far above them it'll make their head spin.

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