Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Taking it all in

I realize I complain at times in writing but it is a good release for me, as I don't want to bottle it all up. I do apologize if I offend anyone with my rantings. Anyways, I've been thinking a lot lately and am happy with the condition of my condition! Ha. Life is pretty sweet and I really should be completely content and thankful for all my blessings.
Dan and I spent a quiet evening watching a movie and he made catfish and we had a glass of wine. It was delicious! I love when he cooks for me, which is honestly almost every night. We have a deal going cause I hate to cook, that if he cooks I pretty much take care of everything else, like dishes and cleaning. I don't mind cause I am picky when it comes to cleanliness and need things done a certain way, so it all works out.
I finished another painting as well. This one is on four small canvases and it is a close up of a womans face done in black and white. It looks really cool once the canvases are split up cause you can't quite tell what you are looking at. Well, thats just another day in the life of me.


John and Mireille said...

I love you just the way you are, it is so true life can be hard, but when I look at it to close my eyes cross, but when I take a step back I can see all the beauty that life has to offer, and I realize that I do have a lot to be thankful for.
Hey try taking a picture of your painting, love to see it.

MarieAnne said...

Yes! do post a picture of the painting!

Anonymous said...

Writing is a wonderful release! Otherwise we just have these confused feelings and thoughts jumbled around in our heads.