Friday, November 30, 2012

Starting to see

The madness is starting to subside. I'm starting to see me for who I really am. There isn't the noise of other people and their problems and the things I have to do for them, there's just me. I haven't taken care of me in years. I've been so concerned with everyone else I forgot that my life is important and I deserve every bit of happiness I can find. It's invigorating, and I can't wait to see where life takes me. I'm not worried anymore. I know I have so much to give that people fight over me. In the workplace in my personal life. That's all I've been hearing lately. It's amazing to know that I am special, I'm not a burden. Before I was sad because I wasn't myself. I was hiding behind this person that I had to be for other people and I was miserable. Never again will I sacrifice who I am just to make other people comfortable. I love and miss some of my past but if any part of that is to be a part of my future they've got to let me have my time. I have way to many goals and dreams to just sit on the sidelines anymore. I'm a warrior, an artist and poet. I have lots to show the world and there's no better time to do it.

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