Saturday, March 29, 2008

Month End

The weekend is upon us and I am still sick. It's hard to believe that this much crap can come out of one little nose. LOL! I'm a little like Rudolph cause my nose has changed to a nice red shade! We don't have any plans really this weekend, I'm just glad that we can entertain ourselves just by being with each other. We watched a few movies last night, majorly disappointed because there was so much hype about them and they weren't really that great! I am going to be painting this weekend on Sunday for sure, and I promise to take a few pictures of my last endevours so that you all can appreciate them as well. Oh and mom and family are moving up here! I am so happy and thankful that I will have everyone so close by. Hopefully we can spend lots of happy hours together. Overall March was a nice month, chilly and storm filled and of course there were the ups and downs, but I gave lots of love and had lots of love given to me. So lots to be thankful for!

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