Monday, March 3, 2008

March is here

So, I am happy that spring is coming. Winter is beautiful at times but really, enough is enough. It is 6 degrees today and I just got the whif of spring and it put a jump in my step. I heard birds chirping this moring and I couldn't believe how fast time is flying.
I just received notification that I am now a semi-finalist in the poetry competetion and I am so excited. I want to win so bad because I always make it into the top 10 but never win anything. So it would be amazing to actually win 1st place! So vote for me if you can on!


John and Mireille said...

I love Spring time,
is there more than on Christina, when I looked for you on the Poetry site. I don't want to put my vote for some other person.

Christina said...

yes there is more than one but you can put both my first and last name and then find my poems and vote! Thanks mom, love you!