Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Walking through snow

So after work yesterday, my boyfriend Dan came so that he could walk home with me. The air was crisp and snow was falling gently. We held hands as he looked at me and said he doesn't get how cute I can be, which is probably the sweetest thing I've heard in awhile! As we continued walking down by the lake towards our place we were joking around and laughing I suddenly slipped hard and landed on my ass without spilling the drink I had in my hands! Both Dan and I broke out laughing so hard. It was quite humorous, the not so funny thing is the bruise now on my butt! Anyways, a fun way to end the evening.

Last night I had troubles sleeping. I was getting swamped with ideas for paintings and stories and whatever else. I tossed and turned all night, keeping poor Dan awake. So I finally gave up on trying to sleep and decided to finish up a painting of a fallen angel I had started. I can't wait to get more canvas, these ideas I had need to put down soon!!!


John and Mireille said...

I like your blob honey, thanks for inviting me in your world. I love it! I love you!

MarieAnne said...

I love your art...yes you need to keep painting! Love you

Anonymous said...

Cool, you have a blog! I recently deleted mine, but it's nice to have a place to stay caught up with u. love you so much! -Heidi-